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Published On  
April 11, 2024

Matador Tiny Tent for Cats

I get quite a few packages, and this was one of the few where I was constantly checking the tracking to make sure I was home when it was delivered. I couldn’t wait to see it. My son and his wife are camping lovers, and they have a cat, Dante, they dote on. So when I saw the Tiny Tent, I was giddy. What better Christmas gift for my grandcat than a 12-inch tent with all the features and functionality of a real one? And it was a huge hit. Not that Dante was actually going camping with them, but it hardly mattered. We had a lot of laughs that Christmas. 

And even if the camping enthusiast you’re shopping for doesn’t have a feline, this is a unique gift as a fun little piece of decor. That’s more or less where the inspiration for Tiny Tents came from. The creators were forever trying to buy the small model display tents at outdoor stores, to no avail. They were taken with the miniature windows, the teeny tent poles, and the little rainflies. So they created what they couldn’t buy, a Tiny Tent with all the features of a regular sized one. And then it just so happened the wee wonder was embraced by cats, and the rest is history. 

Tiny Tents also makes a yellow basecamp dome tent, which is equally squeal-worthy. 

$25 at Tiny Tents

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